Let's warm up with a nice pot of split pea soup....
There's nothing like taking a walk to Second Cup to get a nice cup of Hot Chocolate! This week I'm flying with Mommy Laura to Edmonton to release the findings of that report she's been working on for the past year.
Thanks to Nonnie Liz and Grandpa Bill for the lovely bib. The past few days I have been quite a chatterbox (and also used the sign "phone"-- maybe there's a link?) I am not going to disclose which parent I might have inherited this trait from :) I also am walking independently now (as of a week ago). We will try and get some video of it to post at some point.
We have almost 1.5 feet of snow on the ground at the moment (we had more but some melted earlier this week and then it snowed again). Anya has been having fun playing with it. And, she's started to sign "monkey" this week too. (why she won't sign more useful signs other than animals is beyond me... maybe she is telling us she wants to be a farmer, veterinarian, or zoo keeper....)