We went down to Ohio this past weekend for Aunt Tessa's wedding shower.
Picking Raspberries with Grandpa Wagner (I ate more than I put in the bucket) Uncle Robbie's mom took this picture of me on Aunt Pam's sofa chair. Sitting at the table with my cousin Meadow drinking milk and eating graham crackers
We visited family and friends last weekend in Ohio: 4 generations: Uncle Pete, will you PLEASE teach me how to play my ukulele! I have a lot of cousins. These are Aunt Tessa and Uncle Robbie's children Am I looking at my reflection or is that another cute red-headed baby? (FYI this is Sonja's niece, Madison, who is 2 months younger) Wading in Lake Ontario- we're ALMOST home! This is a bit old, but cute. Reading my "O Canada" National Anthem book
I loved playing with (a.k.a. tormenting) the cats at Katherine and Lee's house! Nonnie Liz and Grandpa Bill spoiled me. We went to the playground, out to eat for Grandpa Bill's birthday, shopping, and hung around the house. See you in October, Nonnie Liz!!!