Sunday, May 30, 2010


Mommy Laura and Daddy Pat let me (a free-range kid) run off freely in the grocery store as they watched from afar. I proudly came back to the cart with these. "These are for you, Mama" Awww. what mother wouldn't want to buy flowers after that? I immediately got home, tore open the wrapper they were in and cut them to put into the Vase (pronounce "vaaz" like the fancy people say). absolute perfection.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Visit from Grandma Juanita

Grandma Juanita is visiting this week! She made me this skirt and I can't wait to make another one with her. (she's also been helping Mommy Laura and Daddy Pat around the house too, thanks!!!!)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Thanks Uncle Pete and Aunt Lisa for coming this weekend to visit me! I had so much fun, especially showing you my soccer skills.