First Picture as a Family (notice I have a big mouth just like my mommy)
Born: January 23, 2007
Time: 8:11 am
Place: St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, ON Canada
Delivered by: Bridget (midwife) and Jasmin (student midwife)
Height: 20 inches
Weight: 6lbs, 13oz
Hair color: Red
Mother and Father: Laura Wagner and Patrick McDonald
Name origins: We like the name Anya, Eliza is short for Elizabeth, and we chose our maternal grandparents' names as the last name (not hyphenated and no space)
Watching them examine Anya:

Pat watching Anya:

Pat dressing Anya:

My midwife holding me up in the air:

My midwife Bridget (left) and Student Midwife (Jasmin) on the right

Time to go home with a hat that Laura made and the blanket made by Grandma McDonald. I am only 3 hours old here!:

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