Sunday, April 26, 2009

Spring is here

Making brownies (from scratch) for a La Leche League meeting:

"Watering" the blackberries:

Riding the trike down the slight incline in front of our house:

Attempting to go outside and play with my new sidewalk chalk. Instead, I was too excited about getting into my baby car seat.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


I've been having a lot of fun this weekend helping with things around the house. We made cookies from a cook book grandma mcdonald gave Mommy Laura a while back. They were really good. I also really enjoy 'cleaning' everything I can with my vinegar bottle. I took out every pot and pan and sprayed them off. Daddy Pat is away for a few days, so hopefully all the cookies will be gone before he gets back! (just kidding, we saved you a few)