Monday, July 28, 2014

California State Fair and Lake Tahoe

This past weekend we drove to Sacramento and stayed over in the hostel and went to the California State Fair.  Daddy Pat flew on to Salt Lake City while Mommy Laura and I drove to Lake Tahoe where she had to give a talk.  I went to a day camp on Monday and learned archery and swam in the super awesome pool (I liked it so much, I want to go back next summer!)

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Playdate with Nora

My friend Nora came over so we could finish constructing our bathroom.  We built a toilet, bathtub, sink, and painted it (all out of cardboard).  

Friday, July 11, 2014

Camp with Daddy Pat!

Another great year at Lawrence Hall of Science!  This year my camps were Construction Junction and Secret Formulas.  And my friend Nicole was there too (our 3rd year together at camp!).  We also had a good time sleeping over one night in a hotel, eating pizza and a root beer float, and shopping at Goodwill in Berkeley.  Looking forward to next year!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014